Cullompton Community Centre

Cullompton’s new community centre is a beacon of hope in a town severely affected by the recent economic downturn. The project, devised five years ago and managed entirely by volunteers, has raised a staggering £1.5m during this time, including two awards from Valencia Communities Fund.

The centre is seen as the first stage of the regeneration of the town, which has seen shops close and unemployment rise, and is also the first bespoke community space Cullompton has ever had. The Board of Directors comprise of local people and the centre is run with the local community very firmly in mind; Steve Alcock, the Centre Manager, said that the use and future of the facility is very much community-led.

The new  building is designed to be striking, yet compliment the nearby Grade I church and the conservation area in which it sits.

The centre was opened on 11th December 2011 by Iain Duncan Smith, who cites the centre as an example of what can be achieved by a relatively small community by working towards a common goal.