St Gregory's Church, Dawlish - Church lighting upgrade

Visitors and regular attendees at St Gregory's had struggled with lighting levels for some time.  An inspection by a lighting engineer showed lighting level readings throughout the main body of the church of just 10% of the recommended lux levels, which meant that an application to Valencia Communities Fund needed to be submitted as soon as possible.

Funding to the tune of £5,000 was awarded to the church in March 2018 and works to transform the inside rapidly progressed and were completed by June 2018.

The transformation that's been made by the funding that Valencia Communities Fund was able to awarded is clear to see - from a dark and dismal interior to a beautiful and bright worship space and the congregation who have benefitted could not be more pleased!

"The boost received from Valencia Communities Fund acted as a real motivator and gives added credit to those who have worked hard to bring the project to fruition."
John Moore - member of the congregation