Postcode Checker
On the front page of our website, you are invited to check whether your project site is in an eligible area. If it is, you will be invited to register an online account with us that allows you to submit and manage applications for funding. If you have a biodiversity project, you will be invited to contact the office for details on how to register for an online account.
Eligible Applicant Organisations
An organisation or group which is properly constituted and is not-for-profit can apply. There are a number of exceptions, so please check with Valencia Communities Fund about eligibility before applying. The applicant organisation must declare if it is registered as an Environmental Body. The applicant organisation must hold the freehold of the project site or have a minimum of ten years left to run on a lease.
Eligibility and Compliance
All applications received by Valencia Communities Fund are checked for compliance and eligibility. Valencia Communities Fund will measure applications against criteria that is in addition to published guidance from ENTRUST. Each application is assessed on its individual merits.
Ineligible Elements
The Landfill Communities Fund is a highly prescriptive and tightly-regulated scheme. Because of this, Valencia Communities Fund is unable to consider funding for the following elements:
- Aspects of a project that have already started
- Works to public highways; anything that may be the statutory or discretionary responsibility of the local authority
- Projects that are a condition of planning permission or similar
- Projects located on/in:
- Allotments
- Educational facilities
- Facilities primarily used for service provision or not considered a general public amenity, such as hospitals, day centres, hospices or accommodation.
- Proportional projects – where public access is restricted at certain times
- Salaried posts or revenue funding
- Contingencies, fees, and preliminaries
- Core costs of an organisation e.g., rent, energy bills, supplies
- Vehicles
- Purchase of land or buildings that are not at risk of closure or loss to the community, and only up to 50% of the cost of purchase
- CCTV equipment, events, CDs, websites or marketing materials
- New builds. Small extensions are permissible, up to 50% of the cost of the build or £50,000, whichever is lower. A "small extension" is one that expands the building to which it is attached by no more than 50%, and is accessible from the main building.
- Additional funding
- Projects that have already been unsuccessful
Project Objects
Your project must fulfil one of the following objectives to be eligible for funding:
- Object D - The protection of the environment, the provision, maintenance or improvement of public amenities and parks, which are open and accessible to the public
- Object DA - The protection of the environment, the enhancement, protection and/or promotion of biological diversity of a species or habitat
- Object E - The protection of the environment, the maintenance, repair, or restoration of a building of historic or architectural interest and is open and accessible to the public
Project Priorities
Projects must demonstrate:
- Proof of a need and local support for the project; promotion of community participation (volunteering) and partnership approaches
- Environmental sustainability
- Value for money (minimum of three comparable quotations)
- Self-sustainability and have long-term management plans