Athelstaneford Parish Church - Organ Restoration

Whilst a small congregation, as is also their wider dispersed community, the Kirk is extremely active and a focus in the life of this rural part of East Lothian.  Their 'Compton Miniatura Organ', bought second-hand in 2003, was beginning to show its age and was in desperate need of a costly overhaul.

The Compton organ is suitable for smaller churches - its materials and construction is of high quality, and considered musically of consistent, good quality.  Many Compton organs are now unfortunately lost - church closures, changes in technology making digital instruments more attractive and the passage of time meaning replacement parts and maintenance are needed.

An application to Valencia Communities Fund was submitted nearing the end of 2017 and an award of £2,668 was made towards a total project cost of just under £4,000. The shortfall was met through some generous donations from the local community and a grant from ON Organ Trust

Works that were involved included the re-leathering of the internal purse action of the organ, the pipe works were removed, cleaned and replaced, and the upper and rack boards were replaced.  Finally the organ was finely tuned, ready for use.

"The Valencia Communities Fund grant secured the organ's necessary refurbishment, a specialist technical task, and enables worship and the occasional organ concert to flourish for many years to come." Mary Miller, Treasurer of Athelstaneford Parish Church