Beaford Green Parish Council - Climbing the Heights!

In early 2018, a plan was formed by Beaford Green Parish Council in Devon to rejuvenate their tired play area with exciting new equipment.  A climbing frame for older children was decided upon and in April 2018 the first and second stages of an application to the Pennon Environmental Fund via Valencia Communities Fund was submitted. 

Below is the area that had been set aside for the new piece of equipment to go.

In June 2018 it was confirmed that the Parish Council had been awarded the maximum £20,000 towards the purchase and installation of a 'Birds Nest tree' - a multi-layered climbing frame including ladders, rope monkey bars and baskets. 

On the 26 November, Grants Officer Phil Lettley was invited to see the finished installation - and the phrase 'climbing frame' certainly does not do justice to what has been able to be installed.  With a climbing height of 3 metres and an overall height of 6 metres along with an amazing safety surfacing the brightly coloured multi use apparatus is an impressive sight.

The result of the Parish Council's efforts is clear to see at the end of school and at weekends when children swarm to the new equipment.  Plans are afoot to add to the revamped play area and we for one can't wait to see what other exciting things the Parish Council have in store!

The picture below show some of the amazing people involved with this project.

Further information on applications to the Pennon Environmental Fund via Valencia Communities Fund can be found on the Valencia Communities Fund (