Biodiversity and the Landfill Communities Fund

The Landfill Communities Fund first introduced the biodiversity object in 2004. Since then, more than £108m has been awarded to over 3500 projects all over the UK.

Valencia Communities Fund has funded a number of iconic biodiversity projects over the years, including the Great Crane Project, in collaboration with Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust; Somerset barn Owl Project with Somerset Wildlife Trust and Save Our Seabirds - a project to help protect Scotland's puffins - with the Scottish Seabird Centre.

Working in partnership with the Wildlife Trusts, RSPB, Woodland Trust and others, Valencia Communities Fund has spent £9.3m on biodiversity, and it remains an important objective for the company to fund.

We believe that there are boundless opportunities to lend nature a helping hand with funding from the Landfill Communities Fund. If you have an idea for a project that delivers the aims of the Biodiversity object, then we want to hear from you! Contact a member of the team on 01823 476476 or visit our Apply for Funding page to start helping wildlife in your area.