All Saints Church, Kingston

Major renovation works are currently underway at All Saints', Kingston, after one of the biggest awards in the history of Valencia Communities Fund.

The 12th century church was built in the site of the coronation of the first kings of England and of Egbert's Great Council in 838 that formed the basis of the constitution of England.

The ambitious restoration works hope to raise the profile of one of England's most important heritage sites, as well as improving access to the church.

Also included in the scope is thorough interpretation of the stories of the seven Saxon kings that were coronated in the Saxon church that once stood on the site.

Phase one of the programme was completed in December 2013, resulting in a stunning new entrance, new toilets and a vestry.

Phase two is now well underway, with the hitherto hidden angels in the roof highlighted in gold and the floor being laid with thousands of hand-made terracotta tiles, many of which were "bought" by the church's legion of supporters.

For more information and to support the restoration project, click here (external site, opens in new window).