Angersleigh Village Room

The rebuild of the new Angersleigh Village Room has been completed, aided by a £100,000 grant from Valencia Communities Fund

The old Village Room was in a very dilapidated condition, to the point where restoration was no longer a cost effective option. The heating was poor and there was no insulation. The antiquated kitchenette was of limited use and did not conform to any modern standards. The outside toilet was only ever used as a last resort. The interior space was on two very different levels, which presented a constant and worrying hazard. Access and facilities for disabled users were non existent. The building did not conform to current fire regulations and was subject to rodent infestation.

The finance, which was provided through Valencia Communities Fund, fundraising, generous donations from individuals & grant organisations, has enabled Angersleigh Parochial Church Council to build a new Village Room which is fit for purpose in the 21st. Since it's opening in October 2015 the room has been used for parties, Christening party, Parish Council meetings, pop up Cafes as well as many other events. The Room recently provided the home for the annual Angersleigh Village Fair which was attended by over 200 people. 

Thanks to the new building, the Hall is attracting activities into the parish which are of benefit to a variety of age groups.