Dunbar Parish Church, a Category A listed place of worship and a significant historic landmark within the town of Dunbar, is set high on a site exposed to east winds off the North Sea. In the Spring of 2015, the ravages of time and weather could no longer be ignored and surveys of the stonework identified extensive amounts of priority works required. The restoration work included a high percentage of pointing to be raked out and re-pointed as well as over 100 indents to replace stones that were too eroded to remain in place.
In December of 2017, Valencia Communities Fund awarded the Church a grant of £50,000. This was key to the Church officials proceeding with the full restoration of the outside stonework as well as a number of the Church’s stained glass windows which had become unstable in high winds. The work involved cladding the whole of the Church with scaffolding over a period of about 8 months with completion just prior to Christmas 2018.