Holy Cross Church, Crediton

Holy Cross in Crediton was Devon’s cathedral until the last medieval bishop of Crediton, Leofric, relocated the cathedral to Exeter in 1050. The church is “one of the finest parish churches in England”, with cathedrals, such as Wells, deliberately placed in small communities by the Saxons.

Purchased by the town following the dissolution for £300 in 1547, the church has seen various improvements over the last 1100 years, including the construction of the Lady Chapel, which housed the town's first grammar school, the Chapter House and the replacement of the entire roof by the Victorians.

More modern improvements include the provision of electricity in 1933 and replacement of lighting in 1960 and it was this relatively ancient system that the trustees of the church approached PEF to help replace.

The result is a modern, environmentally-friendly LED lighting system that illuminates the interior of this beautiful building, providing visitors with the lasting impression that the church truly is one of the finest in England.