Parkwood Springs, Sheffield

Once simply known as “the landfill site”, areas of Parkwood Springs have been reborn as an important green space in the heart of Sheffield.

Ten years ago, the area was blighted by fly-tipping, anti-social behaviour and neglect. Subsequent efforts by the council to tidy the area has inspired the community to take ownership of the site, with litter-picking parties, improved fencing and pathways encouraging walkers into the park.

However, despite these great strides towards rejuvenating the area, many locals remained unaware that the park even existed, much less that it was now an attractive and safe place to walk. In order to advertise the park and entice people into it, the Friends of Parkwood Springs commissioned a local artist to produce a striking monument for the entrance on Shirecliffe Road.

The sculpture was designed to represent the history of the site; the deer head signifying the use of the park as a deer park, and to be eye-catching from the road. A plaque at the entrance helps visitors interpret the meaning of the sculpture, and forms the start of the new heritage trail.