The Skateraw Project, Nr. Dunbar

Located between the Dunbar landfill site and Torness power station is a site of huge historical and natural importance; Skateraw.

In recent years, archaeologists discovered evidence of the earliest dated human settlement in Scotland, and a farmer, on demolishing a mound in his field, uncovered an ancient burial containing fine, worked gold; alien to Britain at the time it was buried. Alongside the human history is an area rich in wildlife, attracting many enthusiastic naturalists, including bird-watchers who come to see the many migrant birds.

Helping visitors to better explore this important landscape is John Watson; a local landowner whose project, partly funded by Valencia Communities Fund, takes people along picturesque trackways to illustrate the history of the area.

The new pathway meanders through farmland, along a river, through trees and eventually leads to the John Muir Walkway and the North Sea. Included along the  path is a tap board for the blind, and braille signage allowing walkers to get their bearings.

The future for the site includes further interpretation boards to bring the site to life with history and wildlife information, and an extension to the current pathways to take in even more of the area's beauty.