Since 2011, St Andrew’s church has been undergoing extensive repairs and improvements, thanks in the main to a new highly-motivated committee. Previous awards from Valencia Communities Fund helped to prevent water ingress and make general repairs to the bells and churchyard wall.
Internally, the PCC set to making the church more comfortable for community use with improved electricity supply, heating, lighting and redecoration. The most recent phase of repairs has focused on the tower, which had become unsafe causing
stonework slippage around the high-level windows. An award of £20,000 has helped to secure the stonework on the tower and the future of the church as an attractive community building.
"The nett effect is highly-admired and the parish reassured that we know the tower is now strong and secure, despite hardly any visible change. Thanks have been given to all those who have helped maintain the church through this last year; principal amongst these must be Valencia Communities Fund Environmental Company." Dr Mark Stanley-Price, Lay Chair of PCC