St. John the Baptist's Church, Plymtree

Plymtree's medieval parish church proudly sports 6 bells, the oldest of which dates from c1550 and is itself listed for preservation.

A survey of the bells in 2010 revealed that they required extensive work to continue ringing, with the recommendation that any ringing cease immediately, lest the bells detach from the headstock!

A race against time then ensued with the church keen to see the bells restored and replaced in time for the church's 750th anniversary of the first rector of Plymtree in April 2011.

With help of funding from Uffculme Environmental Ltd, the church was able to replace the bells in time for the anniversary, and it wasn't long before the church approached Uffculme Environmental Ltd for more help.

The tower clock was in desperate need of refurbishment, both the face and the workings. Regular winding of the clock was proving to be an onerous task, so the church also sought conversion to automatic winding.

With the bells and clock in good working order, the PCC focused its attention to the interior of the church, where the glorious medieval screen sits proudly across the nave, cementing the church's place as oone of the thousand finest in England.

A bid for funding from Valencia Communities Fund was succesful, and the interior of the church received a much-welcomed facelift, providing a much brighter setting for one of England's great treasures.