An Energy-efficient Future for Faversham Pools

Faversham Pools is delighted to have been awarded three very significant grants in order to replace and upgrade its heating and boiler system. Investment from Sport England, Valencia Communities Fund Environmental Company - through the Landfill Communities Fund -  and Swale Borough Council will enable the charity to install a new energy-saving boiler system, which will replace the current, ageing, 25-year old system.

Tthe three organisations will fund the replacement of the Pool’s two gas-fired boilers which heat the building and - most importantly – heat the water in each of the swimming pools. The present boilers are over 25-years old, and are worn out, inefficient, expensive to run, and generate high quantities of carbon dioxide. The new boilers use modern, highly-efficient technology, will significantly decrease the charity’s utilities bills and will cut carbon dioxide emissions by at least one third.

The Pools are a registered charity, established in the 1960s. They depend on the support of trusts and foundations, local businesses, Swale Borough Council and individual support to keep entry prices low, and cover the significant costs of maintenance and refurbishment.

Geoff Wade, Chairman of Faversham Pools,

“We are extremely grateful to Sport England and Valencia Communities Fund for funding Faversham Pools for the first time, and to Swale Borough Council for their continuing support. Having these three significant organisations making the investment in Faversham’s community sports facilities is very rewarding. Reliability, reduced running costs & big reductions in CO2 emissions are key to this project and we can’t wait to get started.’

Pictures below: Faversham pools and existing boilers