Local Wood Receives Funding Boost

The Woodland Trust has just completed new improvements at Kirkless Wood thanks to a generous grant of £11,300 from Valencia Communities Fund Environmental Company (fulfilled by the Landfill Communities Fund).

The grant follows the unauthorised use of motorbikes in the wood, which have left paths damaged and muddy. It is hoped that boundary fencing will stop motorcyclists causing further damage, and that two new pedestrian entrances will help even more locals access the wood.
Colin Riley, Woodland Trust site manager, said:"Woods are great places to visit during the summer months, and so it was a real shame that damages to the paths were stopping people exploring. However, thanks to funding from Valencia Communities Fund, we've been able to put fences and entrances in place that will stop motorcyclists entering, but allow pedestrians to enjoy all Kirkless Wood has to offer."
Kirkless Wood is an 18 acre wood, created as part of the Trust's 'Woods on Your Doorstep' project that encouraged local communities to create their own woodlands.  The site was planted with 10,126 trees, including species such as oak, birch, cherry, hazel, and dog rose. The wood is now used as a recreational site by dog walkers and ramblers.
If you're interested in your local woods and wildlife, and want to help them thrive, why not become a Guardian of the Woods? Go to www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/guardianofthewoods to find out more.

This is a great example of how funding from the Landfill Communities Fund can be used to improve the biodiversity sites in our communities.  The hardwork put in by the Woodland Trust has ensured that the wood is now less vulnerable to unauthorised use and that the general public can continue to enjoy the amenity.